How To Find Your Inner Peace.

As of last week, the world became a bit too boisterous for me. If this is you, then I’m guessing just like me, you are looking for how to find your inner peace.

Asides from the noise that come from the productivity of an overly ambitious world, there is a noise that comes from within. Especially when you get tired of my environment, both physical and online.

Social media can be a bore, simple things like meeting people becomes a too-demanding activity with a fit of mild irritation.

You begin to get fed up, worn out, stressed maybe, and need a break to be by yourself.

For me, I would turn my data off for the week, but the fact that people go through stuff like this, without knowing what it is they are feeling. I might just have something for you today.

Why you should find your inner peace.

The benefits of staying alone cannot be underrated. You will be amazed at what a simple act like dropping your phone can do for you.

Modern-day society or pop culture more precisely has given a bad light to the idea of solitude, when you distance yourself from people or society, you are seen as a loner or worst.

This might be true in some cases, however, there’s a difference. If you’re able to get back to your life as quickly as you left it, fit in perfect order, and this is not something you do consistently, but occasionally for your mental health, then, irrespective of the tag, you are not a loner.

The mastery of the above skill is what makes ‘alone time’ different from the dreaded ‘depression.

Difference between Solitude, loneliness, and depression.

They might roll off your tongue as one and the same thing altogether, but there is, as the case may be, a gradual difference that moves almost in a sequential pattern to describe what these three words mean.

I’ll explain as simply as possible.

You can have a bunch of friends, family, and associates, but you choose to hang out with yourself, that’s solitude.

You have no one to savour the joy of beautiful moments with, no friends, no family, no associates. In that case, you are lonely.

Now, when loneliness becomes severe that it begins to lead to a level of self-doubt in your ability to make friends, and makes you wonder if the problem is you, that is when you should be bothered about being depressed.

How To Find Your Inner Peace.

A way to actualize the calm that comes with finding your inner peace is a long, but fulfilling journey that anyone should be happy to take.

You can begin your journey with these four effective steps:

  • Practice mindfulness

You have to be intentional about whatever it is you do. have a clear goal, practice, and show dedication to it.

This helped me free my mind, I had wanted to improve the quality of my meals.

Cooking was tedious, but eating out didn’t prove to be a solution either. I had to improve on my culinary prowess,

I have now added more meals to my arsenal, which I had earlier thought impossible to the not-so-impressive number of food I can prepare. I simply had time to have time!

So now, over to you, what is it you want? Be intentional to get it.

  • Meditation

Perhaps the noise you hear is a beckoning for a change of environment. A call to spend some time with yourself for a change.

You can declutter from all the toxicity by enjoying some quality ‘alone time’

We sometimes need this independence from the world, hitting a pause button and still living. Inner peace! A break to find ourselves.

You could try yoga, exercise, and maybe travel to someplace new. Anything to help you refresh is valid.

Staying alone helped me to think about my flaws, strengths, and even my goals.

Formulate new strategies to achieve my dream. It helps you stay in touch with yourself, in a world that can get too rowdy with things we feel are our voices.

  • Love yourself

A saying goes, “A man who can maintain solitude is a cautious man, but if a man can maintain solitude even in the midst of people, he is a principled man.”

You have to agree that this can only be possible when you are self-aware, and you can only be self-aware if you practice the good-old-self-love!

Loving yourself restores confidence, mindfulness, and the peace that comes with letting your past go so you can move ahead with a clearer view.

This brings calm, peace, and strength that refreshes you in a different way.

Define yourself by finding time to stay alone first, before you live the life of a crowd thinking you are being yourself.

How do you feel about staying alone? Is it something you enjoy doing?


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